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PERC PV Module 400 Wp

PERC means Passivated Emitter and Rear Contact. In order to reduce the surface losses from solar cell passivation treatment is applied to its surface. Passivation removes defects in the atomic structure at the silicon surface allowing more efficient extraction of energy from the solar cell. In this process passivation film has been applied on the rear surface of the cell using chemicals to create tiny pockets in the film that absorb more light, so that we get more power. The efficiency gains from PERC technology results into a 2 - 3% power increase as compared to conventional solar module technology.


  • Grid connected large scale utility plants
  • Grid Connected rooftop industrial ,commercial and residential plants

Features & Benefits

  • State of Art lamination technology used
  • Positive power tolerance of modules in all ranges to ensure functioning of the system as per design
  • All Materials of Laminationare of highest quality.
  • Designed to withstand moderate mechanical load
  • Anodized aluminum frame
  • Terminal box with provision for replacing the cables.
  • Holes provided for mounting on the structure
  • Modules as per the MNRE specifications and designed to meet International Standards.
  • Manufacturing facility certified to ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14000:2004, BS OHSAS 18001:2007 and EN ISO 50001:2011.