Aeroponics Systems

Aeroponics is the process of growing plants in a hydro-atomized moisture/nutrient rich environmental under controlled conditions that supports plant growth. As it is grown indoors, abiotic factors such as temperature and humidity as well as nutrition can be effectively controlled. With the Govt. of India announcing developing a good number of smart cities in the coming years with huge investments it is time that vertical farming particularly Skyscraper Farming with Aeroponics has tremendous potential as a resilient food system. JISL has developed “Jain Air Aloo” through this novel method.

Features & Benefits

  • Disease-free, genetically pure, true to type, high yielding, uniform sized potato seed tubers.
  • Produced in controlled conditions in state-of-the-art laboratory
  • In vitro plants grown on specifically designed culture media and production technology
  • Robust
  • Purity >99.5%
  • Assured survival
  • Uniform & Vigorous growth after planting
  • Suitable for production of mini-tubers of good quality.
  • The suspended plant roots with mini tubers, receive 100% of the available oxygen and carbon dioxide.
  • In an Aeroponic system the micro environment can be finely controlled and uses about 90% less than conventional, soil-based farming.