Quality Policy

The company’s quality edifice stands on the following pillars

Our commitment to quality is unflinching, our hunger for growth is deep-rooted and our capacity for details is amazing. Over the decades, we have demonstrated a rare resilience & fortitude. The Group is determined to improve productivity & focus continuously on innovation and up-gradation of its products & people.

  • Total commitment for customer satisfaction.

  • Protection and Advancement of Environment.

  • Market Leadership.

  • Strive for Quality Excellence.

  • Sustainable Development of Stakeholders

Environment Policy

Why Environment is so important?

  • Development of mankind impacts and, in turn, is impacted by the Environment. Both are not only inter-related but are also inter-dependent

What will we do to protect and advance it ?

  • We will neither advocate to maintain status-quo nor encourage exploitation of natural resources for short term economic objectives. Instead, through sound and sustainable practices, we shall establish a creative partnership between development and environment. Increase in green cover, conservation of scarce resources, control of pollution, promotion of economic progress are important guiding lights we will follow for nurturing such a relationship.

How will we protect and advance it ?

  • We will fulfill this policy by committing ourselves to continuous improvement, updation of our processes, products and facilities, on one hand, and through spreading awareness, education and training of our associates, on the other.


Customer And Market

  • Commit to total customer satisfaction
  • Build and maintain market leadership

Quality Excellence

  • Strive continually to reach and maintain quality in every aspect

Environment And Society

  • Protect, improve and develop the environment
  • Cherish the symbiosis and nurture creative partnership between society and environment

Development Of Stakeholders

  • Adopt transparency and fair practices for continuous sustainable growth

Download Policies

  • Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety Policy for Jain Plastic Park

Download PDF: [English] [Marathi] [Hindi]

  • Energy and GHG Policy

Download PDF [English ] [Hindi ] [Marathi ]

  • Environmental and Social Action Plan & Summary Report - Project Environment and Social Risk Management

Download PDF [English ]

  • Policy for Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace

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