Higher yield, better profit!

At Jains, quality is a way of life. This has been imprinted and ingrained in all of its activities and Pomegranate tissue culture is no exception. The Tissue Culture laboratory is involved in the micropropagation of Pomegranate plants that are known to possess nutraceutical properties. By way of stringent selection, we are able to effectively control and produce disease-free planting material for supply to farmers.

Features & Benefits

  • Globally accepted nutraceutical fruit packed with a wide array of health benefits
  • We offer ‘Bacterial Blight Free’ planting material through a stringent selection of the starting material.
  • Tissue culture ensures ‘Guaranteed Survival’ of the plants after planting in the field.
  • A well recognized agronomic practice viz ‘Jain Pruning Technology’ results in the production of large and sturdy canopy to bear more fruits and sustain their load.
  • This eventually results in plants getting ready for first flush within 18 months.
  • If planted with ‘Jain Fertigation Technology’ bumper yields, super quality and complete grain fillings are imminent.